Wednesday, May 2, 2007


• Functions
• Function definition
• Calling function
• Global variables
• Function parameters
• Call by value
• Functions that return value
• Function prototype
• Assignment :- create a function that returns details of one cd.

* double2.c
* Program to demonstrate the use of function parameters
* by Rajesh Kulkarni

double_it(int n1)
return n1 * 2;

int num1;

printf("Please enter the number: ");
scanf("%d", &num1);

printf("The doubled value is %d\n", double_it(num1));


* double.c
* Program to demonstrate the use of function parameters
* by Rajesh Kulkarni

double_it(int n1)
n1 *= 2;

int num1;

printf("Please enter the number: ");
scanf("%d", &num1);


printf("The doubled value is %d\n", num1);


* average3.c
* Program to demonstrate the use of function parameters
* by Rajesh Kulkarni

input(int sequence)
int num;
char position[10];

switch (sequence)
case 1: strcpy(position, "first"); break;
case 2: strcpy(position, "second"); break;
case 3: strcpy(position, "third"); break;

printf("Please enter the %s number: ", position);
scanf("%d", &num);

return num;

float average3(int n1, int n2, int n3)
return (float)(n1 + n2 + n3) / 3;

output(float a)
printf("The average is %f\n", a);

int num1, num2, num3;
float ave;

num1 = input(1);
num2 = input(2);
num3 = input(3);

ave = average3(num1, num2, num3);



* average4.c
* Program to demonstrate the use of function prototypes
* by Rajesh Kulkarni

float average3(int n1, int n2, int n3);

input(int sequence)
int num;
char position[10];

switch (sequence)
case 1: strcpy(position, "first"); break;
case 2: strcpy(position, "second"); break;
case 3: strcpy(position, "third"); break;

printf("Please enter the %s number: ", position);
scanf("%d", &num);

printf("The average of 4, 3 and 5 is %f\n", average3(4, 3, 5));

return num;

float average3(int n1, int n2, int n3)
return (float)(n1 + n2 + n3) / 3;

output(float a)
printf("The average is %f\n", a);

int num1, num2, num3;
float ave;

num1 = input(1);
num2 = input(2);
num3 = input(3);

ave = average3(num1, num2, num3);



* average2.c
* Program to demonstrate the use of function parameters
* by Rajesh Kulkarni

float ave;

average3(int n1, int n2, int n3)
ave = (float)(n1 + n2 + n3) / 3;

int num1, num2, num3;

printf("Please enter the first number: ");
scanf("%d", &num1);
printf("Please enter the second number: ");
scanf("%d", &num2);
printf("Please enter the third number: ");
scanf("%d", &num3);

average3(num1, num2, num3);

printf("The average is %f\n", ave);


* average.c
* Program to demonstrate the use of global variables
* by Rajesh Kulkarni

int num1, num2, num3;
float ave;

printf("Please enter the first number: ");
scanf("%d", &num1);
printf("Please enter the second number: ");
scanf("%d", &num2);
printf("Please enter the third number: ");
scanf("%d", &num3);

ave = (float)(num1 + num2 + num3) / 3;

printf("The average is %f\n", ave);



* strlen.c
* Program to demonstrate the use of function parameters being passed
* into functions
* by Rajesh Kulkarni

int length;

strlength(char str[])
for (length = 0; str[length] != '\0'; length++)
; /* do nothing loop */

char string[100];

printf("Please enter your first name: ");
scanf("%[^\n]", string);


printf("Length of >>%s<< is %d\n", string, length);


* strlen2.c
* Program to demonstrate the use of function parameters being passed
* into functions
* by Rajesh Kulkarni

int strlength(char str[])
int i;

for (i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++)
; /* do nothing loop */
return i;

char string[100];
int length;

printf("Please enter your first name: ");
scanf("%[^\n]", string);

length = strlength(string);

printf("Length of >>%s<< is %d\n", string, length);

printf("Please enter your last name: ");
scanf("%[^\n]", string);

length = strlength(string);

printf("Length of >>%s<< is %d\n", string, length);

Class Test

on 7th February Thursday

5:30 to 6:30 pm
A Problem
 Suppose we are writing a program that displays messages on the screen.
 We want to display rows of =============================== to separate sections of output.
int main (void)
/* produce some output */
/* print banner line */
printf(“==============\n”) ;
/* produce more output */
/* produce even more output */
/* produce final output */

 Redundant code
 What if we want to change the display
 e.g. to print a blank line before and after each line with =’s ?
 What if we want to print banner lines in some other program?
The Solution: Functions
 Definition: A function is a named code sequence
 A function can be executed by using its name as a statement or expression.
 The function may have parameters - information that can be different each time the function is executed.
 The function may compute and return a value.
Why use functions ?
 Functions provide an abstraction when writing a program - allow low-level details to be packaged.
 Able to package a computation we need to perform at multiple spots within a program.
 Write once, use many times.
 If changes are needed, they only have to be done once, in one place.
Why use functions ?
 Allows the programmer to create a program from smaller, simpler sub-components.
 Many programs are far too large to understand all at once.
 Functions give us a way to break a large program into smaller pieces
 A function should perform a well-defined task.
Common functions
int main (void)
. . .
More common functions
 Every standard C compiler comes with a set of standard libraries.
 #include
 Tells the compiler you will use the standard IO library
 #include
 C’s standard math library functions:
 sqrt, pow, sin, cos, exp, ...

 isspace, ...

Defining your own functions
 You may define your own functions in your programs
 You define a function by giving its name and writing the code that is executed when the function is called.
High level programming structure
main ()
. . .
SetUpBoard ();
do {
redsTurn ();
blacksTurn ();
} while (gamenotover ());
Function definition
/* print banner line */
void print_banner (void)
printf (“=========”);
printf (“=========\n”);
/* print banner line */
void print_banner (void)
printf (“=========”);
printf (“=========\n”);
Calling a function
int main (void)
/* produce some output */
. . .
print_banner ();
/* produce more output */
. . .
print_banner ();
/* produce final output */
. . .
print_banner ();
 main () is the caller
 print_banner() is the callee.
 main() invokes / calls print_banner() 3 times.
 print_banner() is called from main()
Function Control Flow
/* print banner line */
void print_banner (void)
Control Flow
 All C programs
 Start at main () /*no matter where main()is */
 Continue in top-to-bottom order, statement by statement, unless the order is changed by:
 function call
 function return
 if
 loops
Function Type and Value
 A function can return a value.
 Like all values in C, a function return value has a type.
 The function has the type of its returned value.
Calling a function
 A value-returning function is called by including it in an expression.
 In a value-returning function (result type is not void) return does two distinct things :
 1. specify the value returned by the execution of the function
 2. terminate that execution of the function.
 In a void function:
 return is optional at the end of the function body.
 return may also be used to terminate execution of the function explicitly.
 No return value should appear following return.

void compute_and_print_itax ()
double income;
scanf (“%f”, &income);
if (income < 50000) {
printf (“Income tax = Nil\n”);
if (income < 60000) {
printf (“Income tax = %f\n”, 0.1*(income-50000);
if (income < 150000) {
printf (“Income tax = %f\n”, 0.2*(income-60000)+1000);
return ;
printf (“Income tax = %f\n”, 0.3*(income-150000)+19000);
Function parameters
 It is very often useful if a function can operate on different data values each time it is called. Such values are function (input) parameters.
 The function specifies its inputs as parameters in the function declaration.
 The function call must include a matching argument for each parameter.
 When the function is executed, the value of the argument is substituted for the parameter.
Lecture 10

Function parameters
 It is very often useful if a function can operate on different data values each time it is called. Such values are function (input) parameters.
 The function specifies its inputs as parameters in the function declaration.
 The function call must include a matching argument for each parameter.
 When the function is executed, the value of the argument is substituted for the parameter.
Control and data flow
 When a function is called:
 (1) control transfers to the function body
 (2) argument values are copied
 (3) the function executes
 (4) control and return value return to the point of call.
Control and data flow
int main (void)
double x, y, z;
x = area(y/2.0);
. . .
z = area(7.88);
. . .
return (0);
Style notes
 Put comments above a function body to specify completely what the function does, including the significance of all the parameters.

Multiple parameters
 a function may have more than one parameter
 arguments must match parameters in number, order and type.
Rules for using functions
 Arguments must match parameters:
 in number
 in order
 in type
 A function can only return one value.
 but it might contain more than one return statement.
 In a function with return type T, the return expression must be of type T.
 A function with return type T can be used anywhere an expression of type T can be used.
Local variables
 A function can define its own local variables.
 The locals have meaning only within the function.
 Each execution of the function uses a new set of locals
 Local variables cease to exist when the function returns
 Parameters are also local.
Local variables
Defining function prototypes
 Functions should be declared before they are used (invoked).
 Instead of writing the complete function, you can use function prototypes to declare a function so that it can be used.
 It is a good programming style to use function prototypes.
Function prototypes
int operate (double x, double y, char op) ;
int operate (double, double, char);
void print_average (double, int);
int get_intput (void);
void print_banner (void);

Local Variables
 Formal parameters and variables declared in a function are local to it.
 cannot be accessed or used by other functions directly
 Allocated (created) on function entry.
 De-allocated (destroyed) on function return.
 Formal parameters initialized by copying value of actual parameter. (“Call by value”)
Call by value
void printDouble (int x) {
printf (“Double of %d “, x);
x *= 2;
printf (“is %d\n”, x) ;
void main () {
int num=15;
printDouble (num);
printf (“ num = %d\n”, num);
 a group of declarations and statements that is assigned a name
 effectively, a named statement block
 usually has a value
 a sub-program
 when we write our program we always define a function named main
 inside main we can call other functions
 which can themselves use other functions, and so on…
Example - Square

double square(double a)
return a*a;

int main(void)
double num;

printf("enter a number\n");

printf("square of %g is %g\n",num,square(num));

return 0;

Why use functions?
 they can break your problem down into smaller sub-tasks
 easier to solve complex problems
 generalize a repeated set of instructions
 we don’t have to keep writing the same thing over and over
 printf and scanf are good examples…
 they make a program much easier to read and maintain

Characteristics of Functions
return-type name(arg_type1 arg_name1, arg_type2 arg_name2, …)
function body;
return value;

Return Statement
 Return causes the execution of the function to terminate and returns a value to the calling function
 The type of the value returned must be the same as the return-type defined for the function (or a ‘lower’ type)
 In a function there may be any no of return statements but only one can be executed.
 Return type is optional
 Default return type is int
Write a program that gets a positive integer from the user and prints all the prime numbers from 2 up to that integer.
(Use a function that returns 1 if its parameter is prime, 0 otherwise)


The Great Void
 Sometimes there’s no reason for a function to return a value
 In these cases, the function return type should be ‘void’
 If the ‘return’ keyword is used within such a function it exits the function immediately. No value needs be specified
The Great Void
 Calling ‘return’ in a function returning void is not obligatory
 If the function receives no parameters, the parameter list should be replaced by ‘void’ (or just nothing)
void ShowHelp(void)
printf("This function explains what this program does…\n");
/* ... */

int main(void)
char choice;

printf("Please enter your selection: ");
scanf("%c", &choice);

if (choice==‘h’)
else if /* Program continues … */

 Calling function: a function which is referring another function is called calling function
 Called function: a function which is referenced by another function is called called function.
 Function call:
 Actual parameters:
 Formal parameters;

 Function arguments are passed to the function by copying their values rather than giving the function direct access to the actual variables
 A change to the value of an argument in a function body will not change the value of variables in the calling function
 Example – add_one.c
add_one – step by step
int add_one(int b)
return b;

int main(void)
int a=34,b=1;

a = add_one(b);

printf("a = %d, b = %d\n", a, b);
return 0;
add_one – step by step
int add_one(int b)
return b;

int main(void)
int a=34,b=1;

a = add_one(b);

printf("a = %d, b = %d\n", a, b);
return 0;
add_one – step by step
int add_one(int b)
return b;

int main(void)
int a=34,b=1;

a = add_one(b);

printf("a = %d, b = %d\n", a, b);
return 0;
add_one – step by step
int add_one(int b)
return b;

int main(void)
int a=34,b=1;

a = add_one(b);

printf("a = %d, b = %d\n", a, b);
return 0;
add_one – step by step
int add_one(int b)
return b;

int main(void)
int a=34,b=1;

a = add_one(b);

printf("a = %d, b = %d\n", a, b);
return 0;
add_one – step by step
int add_one(int b)
return b;

int main(void)
int a=34,b=1;

a = add_one(b);

printf("a = %d, b = %d\n", a, b);
return 0;
add_one – step by step
int add_one(int b)
return b;

int main(void)
int a=34,b=1;

a = add_one(b);

printf("a = %d, b = %d\n", a, b);
return 0;
Riddle me this

int factorial(int n)
int fact = 1;

while (n>1)
fact *= n;

return fact;

Scope of variables
 A variable declared within a function is unrelated to variables declared elsewhere, even if they have the same name
 A function cannot access variables that are declared in other functions
 Example – scope.c

Call –by- Reference
Wrong way to do it
int add_one(int b)

int main(void)
int a=34,b=1;


printf("a = %d, b = %d\n", a, b);
return 0;
Function Declaration
 Most software projects in C are composed of more than one file
 We want to be able to define the function in one file, and to use it in all files
Function Declaration
 For this reason, the function must be declared in every file in which it’s called, before it’s called for the first time
 the declaration contains:
Function Declaration

int factorial(int a); /* Function Declaration! */

int main(void){
int num;

printf("enter a number\n");
scanf("%d", &num);

printf("%d != %d\n", num, factorial(num));

return 0;

int factorial(int a){
int i, b = 1;
for(i = 1; I <= a; i++)
b = b*i;
return b;

Function Declaration
 stdio.h actually contains a large set of function declarations
 The #include directive tells the compiler to insert these declarations into the file, so that these functions could be called
The math library
 A collection of mathematical functions
 Need to include the header file math.h (#include )
 Use functions of the library, e.g.
double s,p;
s = sqrt(p);
 Declared in math.h :
double sqrt (double x);

The math library
 sin(x), cos(x), tan(x)
 x is given in radians
 asin(x), acos(x), atan(x)
 log(x)
 sqrt(x)
 pow(x,y) – raise x to the yth power.
 ceil(x), floor(x) …and more

Write a function that uses the formula

in order to approximate . The function should accept
an argument n which determines the number of terms in
the formula. It should return the approximation of .

Write a program that gets an integer n from the user,
and approximate  using n terms of the above formula.



Modify the previous function that approximates
. The function should accept an argument
specifying the desired accuracy, and keep
adding terms until the contribution of the next
term drops below this level.

Write a program that gets a (small) double
epsilon from the user, and approximates 
within this function.

The debugger
 Some programs may compile correctly, yet not produce the desirable results.
 These programs are valid and correct C programs, yet not the programs we meant to write!
 The debugger can be used to follow the program step by step and may help detecting bugs in an already compiled program.
The debugger’s common features
 Setting breakpoints (a point where the execution stops): bring the cursor to desired line and press the palm icon or F9. A dark red dot appears near the line.
 Executing a debugged run: Build->start debug->go or F5. The program will run and stop at the first breakpoint.
The debugger’s common features (cont.)
 Stopping at a specific line: Bringing the cursor to the line and press ctrl+F10, or Build->start debug->go to cursor. The program will stop at that point.
 Stepping to the next line – F10.
 Entering a function – F11.
 Seeing variable values – quickwatch and/or debug window at the bottom.
 The yellow arrow indicates our whereabouts at any given moment.

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